Why does your street have the name it has? Are you curious about the history behind your street name?
The street names for this week are the letter T & J
TASMAN PL WITHERS: Said to be named after the 17th Century Dutch explorer, Abel Janszoon Tasman. (Origin supplied by Cecily Brown, Bunbury Historical Society).
THISTLE ST WITHERS: The Thistle, a schooner of 36 tons disappeared after it left Bunbury for Durban, South Africa in May 1903.(Origin supplied by Cecily Brown, Bunbury Historical Society).
TOBIN PL WITHERS: John Conway Tobin, Councillor (intermittently) May 1917 – November 1920.Reserve Register approval 7/12/1992 in File 323/1944 V6 P868.
TRUSTY ST WITHERS: The Trusty brought settlers to Australind in 1842 and 1844 for the Western Australian Company. (Origin supplied by Cecily Brown, Bunbury Historical Society).
JACARANDA CR WITHERS: Botanical theme- The Jacaranda is native to South America, but it grows well in Bunbury where it displays violet flowers in summer.(Ref:File6140/1926v2pg46).FORM ASHFORD CR FIRST APP 1436/69 270571
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